Why Raccoons Are Digging
Raccoons are omnivores, meaning they feed on vegetation as well as live critters, like insects. Insects provide valuable nutrition that raccoons need to survive. One particular insect that raccoons and other urban wildlife, like skunks, are drawn to is the European Chafer Beetle. These small tan coloured insects thrive in climates like southern British Columbia, and as their populations grow, raccoons are more likely to dig in search of them.How Urban Wildlife Can Be Problematic
Raccoons, skunks, and other urban wildlife should be kept away from your property for a number of reasons. While a little digging may not be hazardous, the regular presence of these animals can become dangerous to homeowners and their families. Wildlife are capable of carrying a number of diseases, which can be spread through contact or through their droppings. Wildlife are also extremely defensive, and may take your presence as a threat deemed worthy enough to attack. In addition, wildlife that are drawn to your lawn for food are more likely to take up residence in your home as well. To protect yourself, your family and your pets, it’s important to discourage wildlife presence on your property.How To Prevent Wildlife Lawn Damage
Keeping a healthy, undamaged lawn is no easy feat, but it is possible by following some preventative tips. Treat your lawn on a regular basis to help control growing insect populations, making your lawn less appealing to wildlife passing through. If you have fruit trees or vegetable gardens on your property, it is imperative that you clear fallen vegetation quickly and regularly. Growing strong, thick grass can prevent European Chafer Beetles and other insect populations from thriving, making your lawn less susceptible to wildlife digging. Rake and seed your lawn, and water regularly for 2-3 weeks before seeding again. After 4-6 weeks your lawn should be thick and healthy. Keep your grass at least 6 cm long, and leave clippings after cutting to encourage continued growth. Urban wildlife are also easily spooked. By installing motion sensored lights, raccoons and skunks may be startled enough to avoid choosing your lawn to search for their evening meal. Constructing a strong, protective fence around your lawn will also discourage wildlife from entering your property.