What Makes Raccoons So Successful In Urban Areas?
Among the reasons why raccoons have thrived in Milwaukee, causing a higher demand for raccoon removal services, two are most important:- Availability of shelter in urban areas
- Readily available food sources

Availability Of Shelter In Urban Areas
When talking about the habitats of raccoons in the wild, they are what is called cavity nesters. Meaning they would typically find shelter by searching for old, hollow trees and similar small spaces in natural surroundings. Apply this to the way modern towns and cities are built, it becomes clear that there are countless cavities available for raccoons to cozy up in throughout not only Milwaukee but most cities. There are countless places for these animals to live. Backyard sheds, decks and garages are all inviting areas for them to make a home.Readily Available Food Sources
Dining options for raccoons in urban areas are so abundant it is impossible to keep track of their number. Raccoons will feed on vegetation, meat or anything else they can get their paws on. They are omnivores. Their natural diet can include bird eggs, insects, nuts, berries and small mammals like mice. In search of food, they target bird seed from feeders, raspberries from your backyard bushes, your compost pile and even trash cans. There are tons of such food sources available on every corner in a typical city. [caption id="attachment_14259" align="aligncenter" width="584"]