Mosquito infestations can appear based on where you live or as a result of conditions on your 10 Interesting Facts About Baby Raccoons property. If you live near any body of water, you may be susceptible to a high mosquito population. Stagnant water tends to produce more mosquitoes, so living near a pond or slow-moving stream increases the likelihood of mosquitoes flying about. Having rainwater collectors, open containers, or even divots in your property where puddles accumulate, can become mosquito breeding grounds. It should be noted that even without standing water, mosquitoes may come to visit your property anyway looking for a good meal.
There’s nothing better than getting together with friends and family to enjoy the warm summer weather in your backyard. Unfortunately, Canadian summers are short and you’ll want to be out there every chance you get. But an invasion of mosquitoes could have you and your guests headed back indoors pretty quick. Don’t take any chances this summer, trust Skedaddle’s three step mosquito control program and enjoy more time around the pool or grill and less time swatting away buzzing intruders.
Appearance - Mosquitoes are very distinctive insects. They typically have longer bodies, reaching anywhere from 3 to 9 mm in length. They are also known for their larger wingspan and a small head with a long, sucking mouthpart (proboscis) to drink blood with.
Behaviour - Mosquito problems tend to occur near water because mosquitoes and their eggs thrive in these locations. You will most likely see mosquitoes active during the summer months when the weather is at its most damp and humid. They tend to swarm in areas where the water is stagnant, which is a perfect breeding ground for mosquito larva. It is most likely a female mosquito biting--as the blood provides them with the energy to produce eggs. You will most likely only see mosquitoes in the early evening until dawn when it is coolest.
Mosquitoes are known carriers of disease, such as West Nile Virus, that is prevalent throughout Ontario. Beyond these diseases, mosquito bites are a nuisance no one wants to deal with.
If you start seeing too many mosquitoes, you should seek professional pest control. Mosquitoes reproduce rapidly, and more mosquitoes will only increase the likelihood of you or a loved one getting bit or sick from the bite. Treating the property and identifying mosquito hot spots are key to keeping a 10 Interesting Facts About Baby Raccoons Area mosquito problem under control.
On average, our mosquito control service provides protection for approximately 3-4 weeks. However, the duration may vary depending on rainfall frequency and environmental conditions around your home. Our mosquito control program is customized to your needs and includes monthly visits throughout the mosquito season to keep you protected.
Absolutely! Our mosquito control service is carried out by extensively trained technicians who adhere to strict safety protocols. This ensures the safety of your family and pets throughout the entire process. Our highly trained pest technicians apply our mosquito treatment to affected sites and avoid targeting pollinators and aquatic life.
To ensure smooth service delivery, we kindly request that you make your gate easily accessible to our technicians by keeping it unlocked on the day of your scheduled appointment. Additionally, if you have any pets, we kindly ask that you keep them indoors on the day of service. This allows our technicians to perform their tasks without interruptions and in a timely manner.