Bird Removal in Collingwood | Skedaddle Wildlife Control skip to main content



Assess and Remove

The first step in resolving a nuisance bird issue is a thorough understanding of the exact nature of the problem. Our customized removal plans take into account the species of bird involved, the affected areas of the home and the time of year.

clear and clean

Clear and Clean

Birds can be messy, their nesting material and droppings can cause home damage and result in unsanitary conditions. As part of the process our trained technicians will remove nests from vents, soffits and balconies and safely scrub away unhealthy droppings.


Prevent and Protect

Our prevention plans are customized to address the specific bird threats your home faces. Our technicians are trained to install protective barriers and devices designed to make your home inhospitable to birds.


Birds in Collingwood


Ontario is home to over 500 bird species. A good number of them are drawn to the forested areas around Collingwood. Birds can cause problems when they build nests on your property, with most conflict with humans arising from starlings, pigeons, and sparrows.

How Does Skedaddle Help With Birds?

Our process for dealing with nuisance birds is similar to other wildlife, in that we take the least invasive, most humane approach we can. We remove the birds from the home, placing any babies that are too young to leave the nest in an easily accessible, safe area so their parents can continue to feed them and take them to a new nest. We then seal up any entry points to avoid future incursions after cleaning and decontaminating the affected areas.

However, some species are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which is a legal agreement between the United States and Canada not to harm certain bird species or disturb their nesting sites. We continuously educate ourselves and remain familiar with the species protected under the MBTA. If you have a nest on your property that is causing problems and aren’t sure of the species, we can identify it and present you with options compliant with the law.

Why Are Birds Nesting on Your Property Dangerous?

Bird droppings can expose you to a serious disease called histoplasmosis. Characterized by chronic flu-like symptoms, histoplasmosis is incurable. Bird droppings can also be corrosive, destroying whatever housing material they accumulate on. Birds seek warm sites for their nests, such as vents, attics, and chimneys, to help incubate their eggs. If a bird’s nest blocks a vent or chimney, it can create a fire hazard or cause a buildup of carbon monoxide, a deadly poisonous gas. It can also cause a collection of excess moisture, which can lead to fungal growth.

Birds can build a nest anywhere that provides sufficient shelter, including near doors and windows. They can be very aggressive in defending their nests and may attack anyone or anything that they think is getting too close.

What Are Some Other Things You Should Know About Birds?

While some birds can be annoying, they are also interesting. Here are some facts you might not know:

  • The MBTA doesn’t just protect bird species that are endangered. It includes some common species, such as the black-capped chickadee.
  • European starlings were introduced in North America in 1890, and have since become one of the largest nuisance populations in the continent
  • Part of what makes pigeons, starlings, and sparrows irritating for homeowners is that they build messy nests that extend over several feet.

Contact Skedaddle if you have a bird’s nest on your property that causes problems. With our years of experience, we can present you with options following a thorough assessment.

Birds Removal Collingwood


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