Skunk Removal in Barrie | Skedaddle Wildlife Control skip to main content



Assess and Remove

To solve a skunk problem, we start with a complete assessment of your property to determine where the skunks are living and how they’re gaining access. Since skunks do not climb our inspection will focus on the ground level den sites like porches, decks and sheds. We then perform a careful and humane removal, including any babies.

clear and clean

Clear and Clean

Once we humanely remove any skunks and their babies we will move on to clearing the den site of any damaged property, nesting material or debris that was gathered by the animals. We can then begin cleaning, disinfecting and deodorizing the area to eliminate any risk of illness, irritating odors and attractants for other wildlife.


Prevent and Protect

To prevent a future skunk problem, our technicians will get to work installing protective barriers designed to keep skunks out. This usually involves digging out around the perimeter of the deck, shed or porch and burying a heavy steel mesh deep into the ground. Our workmanship and materials are backed by a lifetime warranty.


Skunks in Barrie


Skunks are very playful animals, but that isn’t likely the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of them, nor even the second. Their fondness for fun is a characteristic that many have not had the opportunity to observe. Instead, it’s the stench and the stripes that make the skunk famous. A skunk’s spray is its only line of defence. When it senses danger, it is more inclined to turn tail and escape, rather than turn tail and spray! Once they spray, it takes about 10 days to rebuild their stores.

Other than an offensive odour that is difficult to remove, skunks are generally harmless. A female may become aggressive if she has her little ones in tow, but, otherwise, the presence of this furry creature on your property poses little danger. Most homeowners would prefer not to risk becoming the target of a skunk’s spray, however. Skedaddle technicians are skilled at safe skunk removal and place them in a more suitable environment. We also make sure that families stick together, reuniting babies with mama in their new den.

Skunks aren’t particularly good at climbing, so Barrie homeowners do not have to worry much about one setting up shop in the attic. Most of the time, they are inclined to create a den under a porch or deck, or they might use their powerful paws to dig out a shelter under a shed or barn. You might not know you have a resident skunk unless you have a dog or cat that happens upon them and pays the price for their curiosity! Skunks are most likely to spray when startled, so pets frequently get hit.

During the months of February and March, males are on the prowl for a mate. This can be a particularly smelly time of year if you have a resident female on your property, as females often discharge some of their spray to let a male know they are not interested. If you discover a skunk living around your home, we don’t recommend you try to remove it yourself. Contact professionals who know how to handle the removal safely and humanely.

Skunk Removal Barrie

Skunk Facts


It is often suggested to homeowners to use ammonia soaked rags to get rid of skunks. In most cases ammonia won’t repel skunks. Skunks will push the rags away if they don’t want them around.


Skunks don’t see very well and they cannot climb. This often leads to them becoming trapped at the bottom of basement window wells. In most cases they need to be gently lifted out to safety.


Skunks don’t usually spray without warning unless the danger is deemed imminent. They usually give a sign by raising their tails, stomping their front feet or turning their backsides in the direction of their target.


Skunks don’t see very well, but they still have great aim! They can hit a target up to 3 metres away.


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Are Skunks Blind?

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