Bird Removal in Barrie | Skedaddle Wildlife Control skip to main content



Assess and Remove

The first step in resolving a nuisance bird issue is a thorough understanding of the exact nature of the problem. Our customized removal plans take into account the species of bird involved, the affected areas of the home and the time of year.

clear and clean

Clear and Clean

Birds can be messy, their nesting material and droppings can cause home damage and result in unsanitary conditions. As part of the process our trained technicians will remove nests from vents, soffits and balconies and safely scrub away unhealthy droppings.


Prevent and Protect

Our prevention plans are customized to address the specific bird threats your home faces. Our technicians are trained to install protective barriers and devices designed to make your home inhospitable to birds.


Birds in Barrie


Birds are one of the most diverse creatures on the planet. There are an estimated 18,000 species that exhibit a wide variety of colours and behaviours. While we think of flying as a characteristic that defines birds, not all birds are capable of flight. Approximately 60 living species have lost their ability to fly somewhere along the way. Birds can be seen in every ecosystem, and they provide countless hours of entertainment for bird lovers.

Backyard birdwatching is a common pastime, but when birds move from the yard into your house, they become a nuisance. At Skedaddle, we make sure that your unwanted houseguests are relegated once again to the outdoors. It is important to ensure the animals’ safety, so we take additional precautions when there are eggs or babies in a nest. Once we’ve completed our humane removal procedures, we seal off any potential bird entry points to prevent future incidents.

Ontario is home to 501 bird species, 291 of which choose our province to breed. Despite our harsh winters, 60 species brave the cold weather. Sparrows, pigeons and some starlings are among those that can be seen year-round in Barrie. These birds are common, and they are the ones that are most likely to move into your home. They seek out the protection attics and vents provide, and, in the winter, the warmth of a used chimney is too good to pass up.

A single bird roosting in a vent may go unnoticed, but multiple birds create a lot of noise and big messes. If they build a nest in your chimney, it creates a fire hazard. Their nests can also block dryer vents and clog the gutters. Birds carry numerous diseases, most of which are transmitted to people and pets through their droppings. If you discover that you have resident birds in your home, it is important to contact the professionals who know how to safely and humanely remove them.

Bird Removal Barrie

Bird Facts


Ontario is home to five species of hummingbird. The ruby-throated is the most common.


Birds are the only living direct descendent of dinosaurs. They are related to Tyrannosaurus rex but evolved from a smaller species within the theropod family.


The arctic tern migrates farther than any other bird, travelling a distance equal to Earth’s circumference every year.


Canada has 14 bird species that are on the Endangered Species List, including the whooping crane, Kirtland’s warbler and the northern spotted owl.


Ontario adopted the common loon as the provincial bird in 1994.


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