Skunk Removal in Montreal | Skedaddle Wildlife Control skip to main content



Assess and Remove

To solve a skunk problem, we start with a complete assessment of your property to determine where the skunks are living and how they’re gaining access. Since skunks do not climb our inspection will focus on the ground level den sites like porches, decks and sheds. We then perform a careful and humane removal, including any babies.

clear and clean

Clear and Clean

Once we humanely remove any skunks and their babies we will move on to clearing the den site of any damaged property, nesting material or debris that was gathered by the animals. We can then begin cleaning, disinfecting and deodorizing the area to eliminate any risk of illness, irritating odors and attractants for other wildlife.


Prevent and Protect

To prevent a future skunk problem, our technicians will get to work installing protective barriers designed to keep skunks out. This usually involves digging out around the perimeter of the deck, shed or porch and burying a heavy steel mesh deep into the ground. Our workmanship and materials are backed by a lifetime warranty.


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Skunks in Montreal


Skunks are small mammals that are identifiable by the distinctive black and white patterns on their bodies. They secrete a powerful odour through their scent glands to protect themselves and deter people or predators from getting too close. The stench from skunk spray can linger for two to three weeks. They do carry the rabies virus, so it’s important to remove them from your home with the help of our trained Skedaddle skunk removal technicians in Montreal.

Skunks do not hibernate in winter, but their activity slows way down. They forage infrequently during cold weather months and prefer to stay near their dens. They are attracted to homes because garbage cans and pet food left outside are good sources of nutrition and provide easy and convenient access. If food is left on a porch or inside a garage or shed, this is a great motivator for a skunk to make its den there. If they are too comfortable, they will stay year-round. Skunks mostly burrow and feed at night, so you may not know they are present until you see or smell them.

Skunks make winter dens where there is the availability of food and water. This is why porches, decks, sheds and crawlspaces make the perfect places to hide away in cold weather and still allow them to move around easily. To keep skunks away from your property, keep garbage cans sealed tightly and make sure food is not left outside for pets. Once skunks have taken up residence, they don’t appreciate being moved. Prevention is essential, so if you notice skunks on or around your property call a humane wildlife control specialist to assess and add protective defences to keep them away. Skedaddle has the know-how and expert techniques for safe skunk removal and exclusion. We make the commitment to safely take care of animals and protect our customers and their property from intrusions.


Skunks Facts

Skunks are intelligent, curious and sensitive; their temperaments vary by the individual animal. They exhibit behaviours to warn people or predators away, by making hissing noises, stomping of feet and turning their backside to the target to give warning before spraying. They have two to ten babies per year. Skunks serve an important role in keeping pests under control. They live in both urban and rural areas. Due to the abundance of food and shelter, skunks live in close proximity to humans.


A skunk produces a strong-smelling oily liquid it uses to deter predators. It only sprays when threatened, because its anal glands hold a limited amount of this musky scent to use as self-defence.


Adult skunks are about the size of a house cat.


Skunks are omnivores and opportunistic eaters. Their diet consists of plants, fruits, insects, worms, larvae, reptiles, fish, small mammals and food discarded by humans. If food is limited, they will eat animal carcasses.


Skunks have few predators in urban areas, in fact, it could be said that traffic is their number one predator in Montreal.


Skunks are not aggressive toward humans. They are shy creatures that try to avoid interactions with people.


Skunk exclusion works best when barriers to below decks, shed and porches are buried deep into the ground.


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