Co-existing with wildlife should be easy. For thousands of years, we have lived alongside various creatures, maintaining some type of harmony. However, there are some creatures that humans just want to avoid, one being the skunk. Homeowners hope to never see a skunk in their neighbourhood for fear of being sprayed. Skunks survive in the suburbs as a result of an abundance of food and shelter. As natural habitats are being destroyed with new developments or construction each year, such creatures are being forced to come closer to humans. We all seem to be competing for food, shelter and space.

A litter of baby skunks in a heated reunion box
By being more understanding and having patience, plus learning how to be cautious, we can all live together, even with the stinky skunks in our midst. Skunks are relatively shy animals that are known for their black and white colouring plus their offensive odor. The nocturnal animals are mostly seen at dusk or dawn but also have been known to be active during the daylight hours.
Skunks live naturally along forest borders or in brushy areas. Skunks like to burrow and when in a neighbourhood, they often dig under porches or decks in order to create a den. They can also be found living in culverts or underneath buildings. Skunks like to eat insects as well as mice and snakes. They also like to eat vegetation, nuts and garbage. It is not uncommon for a homeowner to walk outside and see a skunk digging in the garbage can. It is important to keep all garbage containers covered and tightly sealed to avoid messes or providing instant food sources to such creatures.

Burying heave gauge screen to prevent skunks from getting below this deck
Skunks often seek shelter when they are about to have babies. You may find a skunk near your home in May or June as they prepare to have their skunk babies. Moms can have as many as three to ten babies per litter and the babies will stay in the den for six to eight weeks until they are ready to go outside with mom.
Skunk Removal
If you find a skunk is living around your home, you will need to see it removed. Skunks carry disease and can be dangerous to humans and pets. Plus, you do not want to end up smelling like skunk if you or your dogs gets sprayed! The best way to get rid of skunks from your home is to contact wildlife control. Wildlife control experts know just what to do to ensure the skunk is removed from your home and no longer a problem. Humane methods are recommended so the skunk can continue to enjoy life and have a family of their own.
At Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, we can offer quality skunk removal services for your home. Contact our office to find out how we provide such services or to schedule an appointment. Our highly trained technicians are happy to assist with any pest control need from skunks to raccoons, mice and more. We have experience in removing skunks and can easily provide you with a method of removal for your home.