So, you’ve noticed a mouse in your house or possibly several. As a homeowner, you may have no idea what to do when it comes to removing mice from your home. It is common for homeowners to try traps or poison as ways to get rid of a mouse in the home, but this is a not a proper form of mouse removal. By using such methods, you are only removing the mice temporarily and can end up harming pets or children in the process. Read on to find the right way to remove mice from your home so that you are not bothered by the pests in the future, keeping everyone safe and secure in the process.

The top of this basement window frame is wide open to mouse entry
Signs of Mice in the Home
There are a few tell-tale signs that you have a mouse in your house. To begin, you might hear scratching sounds in the walls at night. This is the mouse or mice moving around to forage for food. You might wake up to find damaged food packages in your cupboards, where the mice have tried to chew their way through to eat rice, cereal, and other stores food items. Any evidence of chewing or gnawing of your property is also a clear sign that you have a mouse issue.
Have you seen tiny black pellets spread throughout your home, perhaps near the walls or in your kitchen cabinets near food items? These are mouse droppings and another indication that you have mice in the home. You may also see mice tracks along dusty surfaces. And of course, if you see an actual mouse in your house, then you definitely have a rodent problem!

Mouse droppings inside a soffit
Mice don’t like wide open places. They much prefer being tucked away and out of sight of potential predators. When mouse infestations grow beyond the size of the available food sources it often forces them to take on riskier behaviour in search of nourishment. Seeing mice running around inside the home is a sure sign of a wider issue in the attic or behind walls.
Mice Removal
For quality mice removal in the home, it is essential that you contact the experts. If you use traps or poison, you are only killing the mice and not doing nothing to prevent other mice from entering the home. The mice are getting into your home through entry points found on the outside of the house that need to be closed off. You will continue to see more mice in the future until you take care of where they’re getting in. To begin, an expert wildlife technician will assess the property. The technician will find the entry points and then remove the mice with a poison free technique. Once the mice are removed, the technician will seal off the entry points so such creatures cannot enter your home in the future.
Contaminated materials will also need to be cleared and cleaned in the home once the mice are safely removed. Mice are quite dirty creatures and can leave behind droppings that contain diseases such as rat bite fever or hantavirus. Cleaning and clearing tactics should be provided so you can ensure your home is clear of any issue.
At Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, the technicians available are ready to assist you with any mice infestation need. Whether you have one mouse on the loose or several taking up residency in your home, we can help. Contact the office today to learn more about mice removal service and to schedule an appointment for an assessment.