Raccoons are ingenious animals with a propensity for leaving human beings speechless by their very uncanny behavior. These wildlife creatures have had a tempestuous relationship with human beings over the centuries and the relationship has become even more volatile in recent years.
Raccoon babies, called kits, are born after a 65 day gestation period. A typical litter will comprise of four or five kits. By ten days old, with eyes still unopened, baby raccoons are sporting their distinctive bandit mask. Baby raccoons are born during late winter to early fall and it is during this period that mother raccoons actively seek out birthing and nursing dens.
Raccoons in urban areas confine their activities to a 1km radius, while rural area raccoons prowl domains that span up to 4km. The zone frequented by a raccoon is known as its home range.
These mammals are predominantly nocturnal as they forage for food at night and remain mostly inactive in the days. They are traditionally known for being loners but are not averse to temporary group living. Don’t be surprised therefore if you come upon a den that has four or five adult raccoons. When raccoons get together like this, the motive is usually to combine body heat and increase the chances of survival.
Mating for raccoons takes place during the months of January to June. When fall heralds the birthing and nesting phase of their lives raccoons head for shelter. In the wild, they prefer hollowed out trees and tunnels abandoned by other animals such as gophers. In areas populated by human beings, the search for suitable dens leads raccoons into attics, garages, culverts, and sheds.
Death/Life Expectancy
In the wild raccoons live 2-3 years, but in captivity their lifespans are increased exponentially to as much as 20 years. Since they have few predators to worry about (bobcats, cougars, and coyotes) their life expectancy tends to be relatively unaffected by attacks in the wild. Diseases and car accidents, however, often cut the lifespan short for these rodents.
Skedaddle for Raccoons
Regulations have paved the way for a thriving raccoon population, especially in cities. These laws forbid harsh animal control strategies. Trapping, killing and baiting raccoons, for example, is prohibited. Another prohibited act is relocating a raccoon to a distance greater than 1km of where it is found. This prevents the raccoon from being isolated after being placed outside their home range. The only legal option that remains is humane raccoon removal and exclusion.
Naturally, property owners will want to protect their interests in the face of an apparent raccoon take-over. If these homeowners consider using humane raccoon removal services providers such as Skedaddle, however, they will find that their problems are resolved efficiently. After safely and humanely clearing your property of all evidence of raccoon presence we will help you to protect your property by installing raccoon deterrents and suggesting simple and effective lifestyle changes that can keep the critters away for good.