Are One-Way Doors an Effective Removal Method?
When combined with other removal and prevention techniques, the one-way device is an effective removal method. The door uses torsion-springs that lift to allow a squirrel through but will not raise to enable it to return. The springs only move in one direction. The one-way tool is only effective when paired with a complete exclusionary plan. Before using this device, a wildlife technician needs to ensure that all other entry points are sealed. A squirrel is a capable chewer, and it can squeeze its body through a hole as small as two inches. If there are any vulnerabilities around your home that can be made large enough or are large enough already, a squirrel will find their way back into its nest.How Does the Door Work?
There are two types of exclusionary doors, one that uses springs and one that acts as a funnel, narrowing towards the exit. The spring option is often more effective because its design is more mechanical with little room for error. The squirrel funnel is still an effective deterrent and exclusionary device, but there is the possibility a persistent squirrel might make its way back inside, depending on its size. The funnel is designed wider at the connection point to the house, and it gets increasingly narrower towards the exit. The hole at the exit is large enough to allow squirrels to squeeze through the exit but not return through it.