How Do You Handle a Dead Bat?
Sometimes homeowners find a dead bat on their attic floor and aren’t sure what to do about the situation. You should never handle a live bat, so the first thing you need to do is make sure it’s dead. It isn’t always easy to tell. During the winter, if the temperatures are cooler, these animals are less active. They hibernate in winter but still wake up on occasion. Therefore, the motionless animal lying on your floor may not actually be dead. If you are sure that the bat is dead, you don’t want to leave it too long. It’s best to call Skedaddle for help. We can make sure the animal is dead and dispose of its remains properly. Should you decide to take care of the task yourself, these are the important steps you need to take:- Take photos of the animal before you do anything and try to get closeups.
- Contact the local Ministry of Natural Resources. They’ll want to identify the species and determine if the animal died of white-nose syndrome.
- Put on disposable gloves, or use a plastic bag, and pick up the bat.
- Place the remains and your gloves or the bag into a second bag, seal it and spray it with disinfectant.
- Put the bag out in your garbage bin. Make sure you thoroughly wash your hands afterward.