Rat Nests and What They look Like
Like many animals, rats make nests where they sleep, collect supplies and raise their young. Many people are surprised by how clever rats can be. Despite their small size, they are excellent problem solvers and very good at using the resources available to them. It is probably no surprise that the size of rats’ nests can vary somewhat. Typically, a single nest will have five to 10 rats living in it, although this may be lower for a very recently established nest or a little higher after a litter is born. Furthermore, rats sometimes establish multiple nests close together forming a colony. A colony can have around a hundred rats living in it if there is sufficient food. Rats’ nests look very similar to those of birds or any other small animal. They make them by chewing materials into small pieces then piling and weaving them into a warm, comfortable shelter. Rats are quite resourceful and will use whatever they can find. This can include fabric, paper, wood, Styrofoam, insulation and other home materials. One of the telltale signs of rat infestations is their droppings, which they leave almost everywhere. You may also see chewed materials, especially near food pantries and cabinets. Furthermore, you may see grease marks near cracks in your walls.