Structural Damage
If raccoons think that they can access food or find shelter in a space in your home, they may cause damage to the building. They only need a gap that is four inches wide to access a building. Like many other types of wildlife, raccoons usually try to avoid humans, but they may find their way into chimneys and attics to make a cozy den. If you notice scratch marks on your chimney or have ripped shingles on your roof that give animals access to your attic, the culprit may likely be a raccoon.
Pet Damage
Raccoons are not usually threats to dogs, but they can be dangerous if they are infected with rabies. Cats may be more prone to harmful encounters with raccoons, but other animals such as chickens are usually prime targets. Raccoons sometimes target poultry as an easy meal because the chickens can't escape their pen. While many other animals often attack chickens, the culprit is probably a raccoon if you notice the following signs around your chicken pen:- Eggs have been eaten with only the shells remaining
- Chickens have been injured by an attempt to be pulled through the mesh wire of the pen
- Chicken heads have been torn from the bodies and left in a different location
- You find remnants of your chickens left near sources of water
- The breast of the chicken has been torn off and chewed