Humane Harassment
Skunks will build nests under your deck because it's a dark, safe and quiet place for them to live. However, making your deck an unwelcoming environment can be an effective way to ward them off. This can include:- Light: Because skunks are nocturnal, they don't like bright lights in their home. Placing a bright, fire-safe light right outside the entrance to their den can deter them.
- Smell: A mother skunk will feel unsafe if she smells a predator's urine. You can emulate this scent by soaking rags in apple cider vinegar or ammonia and placing them in a plastic bag. Be sure to poke holes in the bag to let the odour escape and place it near the entrance to the den.
- Sound: Because human voices are threatening to skunks, you can turn on a podcast or talk radio station near the den entrance.