Why Squirrels Build Nests
Squirrels build nests partly to create a safe space in which to raise their young. If a squirrel is building a nest in which to raise a family, it is likely to be in an inaccessible area that provides shelter and cover to protect the young from predators and the elements. However, raising a family isn't the only reason why squirrels build nests. Unlike most species of birds, squirrels spend the winter hibernating and need a safe place that will keep them warm throughout the winter. The squirrels weave together a base of twigs to form the structure and support for the nest and then line it with soft, insulating materials to keep it warm and comfortable, such as moss or leaves.What Squirrel Nests Look Like
A squirrel's nest looks like a round clump of leaves. It is relatively small, about six to eight inches in diameter. Squirrels may build multiple nests throughout their territory. For example, they may have one nest near a source of food and another near the spot where they are storing food for the colder months. Therefore, if you find a squirrel's nest on the outside of your property, you might want to check for another nest inside. While nests are usually made of natural materials, such as grass, moss, leaves, and strips of bark, squirrels are opportunistic builders and will make nests out of whatever is available. Therefore, you may see nests made out of garbage.