Bat Removal Waukesha | Skedaddle Human Wildlife Control skip to main content



Assess and Remove

The key to removing bats from your home is determining their entry points. Bats can enter through small openings and leave very little trace behind. Our expert technicians will identify all the entry points and evict the colony humanely using one-way doors that allow the bats to leave for food but prevent their re-entry.

clear and clean

Clear and Clean

Depending on the size of the colony and how long they’ve been living in the home there could be a large mess to clean up. Our wildlife technicians will thoroughly remove bat guano and disinfect the space to eliminate any harmful traces left behind.


Prevent and Protect

Our wildlife technicians will provide a full, comprehensive protection plan against any future bat infestations. This would include sealing all the tiny gaps and openings around your home’s roofline to keep bats out.


bat on tree skedaddle humane wildlife control October 2023

Bat Removal In Waukesha

Welcome to the enchanting city of Waukesha, Wisconsin, where urban vibrancy and natural beauty come together to create a living experience unlike any other. In the heart of the Midwest, this gem of a city emerges as a sanctuary for those who cherish urban life yet yearn for the soul-soothing presence of nature. 

With its rich historical tapestry and forward-looking community, Waukesha strikes an exquisite balance between the hustle and bustle of city life and the serene, beautiful landscapes that frame its borders. From the lively corridors of downtown Waukesha, brimming with art galleries, shops, and eateries, to the tranquil trails winding through lush parks and along riverbanks, this city offers a unique symphony of experiences. 

However, the idyllic balance between natural green spaces and urban settings in Waukesha does come with its own challenges, particularly regarding wildlife. With residents living in close proximity to nature, encounters with wildlife are more common, occasionally leading to issues for homeowners such as property damage or disruptions. Additionally, the presence of wildlife near residential areas requires homeowners to be more vigilant about securing their homes and implementing measures to coexist peacefully with their animal neighbors, especially bats.  

If you are experiencing problems with bats or other wildlife, contact us for wildlife removal in Waukesha today!

A Harmonious Blend Of Urban Sophistication And Natural Beauty

Waukesha presents a harmonious blend of urban sophistication and natural beauty. This unique combination not only makes Waukesha a desirable place to live but also a captivating destination for visitors seeking a diverse experience. The city’s array of cultural offerings, bustling downtown area, and ample green spaces provide an exceptional balance of urban living with the serenity and recreational opportunities typically associated with more rural settings.

At the heart of Waukesha’s appeal is its historic downtown, characterized by charming architecture, boutique shops, art galleries, and an assortment of cafes and restaurants catering to every palate. This lively urban center is frequently buzzing with community events, outdoor concerts, and farmers’ markets, fostering a sense of community and belonging among residents and visitors alike. Yet, just steps away from the urban hustle and bustle, Waukesha offers serene natural retreats that invite relaxation and adventure.

One of Waukesha’s prized natural attractions is the Fox River Sanctuary, a scenic area offering walking and biking trails that meander along the Fox River. This tranquil sanctuary is perfect for those looking to escape into nature without straying far from the city’s conveniences. Another gem is Minooka Park, the largest in Waukesha County, which provides a myriad of outdoor activities such as hiking, picnicking, and during the winter months, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Its expansive dog park is also a popular spot for pet owners.

For families and nature enthusiasts, Frame Park is another must-visit location. Its beautifully landscaped gardens, winding walking paths, and the picturesque Fox River offer a peaceful backdrop for leisurely strolls, picnics, and paddle boating. The park’s formal gardens are particularly stunning, making it a favored site for photography enthusiasts and those seeking a moment of calm.

Waukesha’s dedication to preserving these natural spaces amidst its urban growth speaks volumes about the city’s commitment to ensuring a high quality of life for its inhabitants. This unique blend of urban and natural landscapes allows residents and visitors to enjoy the best of both worlds – the conveniences and excitement of city life, coupled with the restorative power of nature. Whether you’re drawn to the cultural vibrancy of downtown Waukesha or the quiet allure of its green spaces, the city offers a diverse array of experiences waiting to be discovered.

How Bats Can Cause Significant Problems

In Waukesha, bats play an important role in the ecosystem. However, when bats gain entry into a property, they bring with them a host of potential destruction and health hazards that homeowners should be acutely aware of. While these creatures play an essential role in the ecosystem, their presence within human dwellings can lead to significant problems that extend beyond mere nuisance.

Structural Damage: Bats residing in attics, walls, or crawlspaces can cause considerable structural damage over time. Their habits of gnawing on wood and insulation materials can weaken the structural integrity of a home. Furthermore, bats tend to leave greasy marks along walls and entry points, staining surfaces and leading to aesthetic damage that can be costly to clean or repaint.

Guano Accumulation: One of the most significant issues with bats in a home is the accumulation of bat guano (droppings). Over time, these droppings can build up, causing a foul odor and staining ceilings or walls. Guano is corrosive and can deteriorate building materials, leading to costly repairs. The weight of accumulated guano can even compromise the structural integrity of ceilings and attic floors, posing a risk of collapse in severe cases.

Health Hazards: Beyond the immediate physical damage to a property, the presence of bats poses several health risks to homeowners. Bat guano is a known carrier of the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, which can cause histoplasmosis when inhaled by humans. This respiratory disease can range from mild flu-like symptoms to severe infections, particularly for individuals with compromised immune systems. Additionally, bats can carry rabies, a deadly virus transmitted through bites. Although rare, the risk of rabies transmission adds a critical layer of concern, emphasizing the importance of professional removal to avoid direct encounters with these mammals.

Parasites: Bats can also introduce various parasites into your home, including bat bugs (similar to bed bugs), fleas, and mites. These parasites can infest living spaces, leading to discomfort and potential allergic reactions among residents. The effort to eradicate these pests can require extensive and expensive pest control interventions.

Given these factors, it’s clear that the presence of bats in a home is not just a minor inconvenience but a serious issue that necessitates prompt attention. The combination of structural damage, health risks, and the potential for secondary pest infestations underscores the importance of addressing bat infestations with effective, humane wildlife control measures. Engaging professionals who specialize in bat removal and exclusion, like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, ensures that these challenges are handled safely and effectively, protecting both the homeowners and the bats that play such a vital role in our natural world.

How To Get Rid Of Bats In Your Home Or Business

At Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, we understand the delicate balance between human habitation and wildlife, particularly when it comes to bats. Bats are essential to our ecosystem, serving as pollinators and insect controllers, but they can also pose significant challenges when they take up residence in our homes. Our team specializes in humane, effective, and sustainable solutions for bat removal, making us the best option for homeowners looking to resolve bat infestations responsibly.

Our approach is grounded in a deep respect for wildlife and a commitment to humane treatment. We employ exclusion methods designed specifically to safely remove bats without harm. This technique allows bats to exit your home but prevents them from re-entering by sealing potential entry points with professional-grade materials. We adhere to all local wildlife protection laws, ensuring that our practices not only effectively resolve your bat problem but also contribute positively to the conservation of these vital creatures.

Beyond removal, Skedaddle offers comprehensive services that address the aftermath of a bat infestation. Bat guano poses health risks and requires professional cleanup to ensure your home is safe and sanitary. Our team is trained in safe guano removal and sanitation processes, mitigating the risk of histoplasmosis and other health issues associated with bat droppings. This attention to detail extends to repairing any damage caused by the bats, restoring your home to its pre-infestation condition.

Our expertise doesn’t stop at removal and cleanup; we also focus on prevention. Understanding bat behavior and habitat preferences enables us to offer personalized advice on how to make your property less inviting to bats in the future. From sealing entry points to adjusting outdoor lighting, our preventive strategies are designed to keep bats in their natural habitat and out of your living spaces.

Choosing Skedaddle For Wildlife Removal In Waukesha

Choosing Skedaddle means opting for a solution that values the well-being of both our clients and the wildlife we manage. Our integrated approach combines humane removal techniques, thorough cleanup and repair, and proactive prevention measures, supported by a team deeply knowledgeable about bat behavior and ecology. Trusting Skedaddle with your bat removal needs ensures a resolution that is not only effective but also respects the essential role bats play in our environment.

Contact us today for more information about bat control in Waukesha!


Bat Facts


There are over 1,400 species of bats worldwide, making them the second most numerous order of mammals after rodents. Bats can be found on every continent except Antarctica, and they inhabit diverse environments from urban areas to dense forests and deserts.


Bats are vital for healthy ecosystems – they act as pollinators, seed dispersers, and pest controllers. Some species, like the lesser long-nosed bat, are primary pollinators for plants such as agave and cacti. Meanwhile, insectivorous bats can eat thousands of insects in a single night, including pests that harm crops, thus benefiting agriculture and reducing the need for chemical pesticides.


Many bat species use echolocation to navigate and find their food in the dark. They emit ultrasonic sounds that bounce off objects and return to the bats, helping them determine the size, shape, and distance of obstacles or prey. This sophisticated biological sonar allows bats to fly with precision and capture even the smallest insects mid-air.


Despite their small size, many bats have surprisingly long lifespans. Some species can live for over 30 years, which is exceptional for mammals of their size. This longevity is partially due to their low reproductive rate and ability to avoid predators by flying and living in secluded roosts.


Bats have diverse roosting habits that vary by species. While some bats prefer the solitude of tree cavities or the undersides of leaves, others thrive in large colonies in caves or man-made structures such as bridges and abandoned buildings.


Waukesha Wildlife Control: How Do Bats Care For Their Young?

Bats are incredible: They’re mammals that can fly. No other mammal can lay claim to that skill. Humans have bats ...
