How to prevent a wildlife infestation
Spring cleaning around your yard and garden can go a long way toward to preventing a wildlife infestation.- Clean the gutters. Clogged gutters are notorious for causing water damage and accelerating roof rot. Removing leaves and debris will help extend the life of your roof and prevent weaknesses that wildlife can use to access your attic.
- Trim trees and branches. Trees, branches and vines provide a path on to your roof for squirrels, raccoons and mice. Vegetation can also cause damage to roofing materials, keep your roof wet and make problems harder to see.
- Remove food sources. Unsecured garbage, pet food and bird seed attract wildlife to your property. Inviting wildlife with food increases the risk of them denning or nesting inside your home. Your birdfeeder will attract mice and rats along with cardinals and blue jays.
Where to look out
Here are some other items to keep an eye out for around your property:- Roof. Harsh Ottawa winters can wreak havoc on roofs and much of the damage is usually covered by snow and ice until spring. It’s important to get up there and make sure your roof isn’t vulnerable to water or animal entry.
- Decks, sheds, porches. These ground level structures are common den sites for skunks and raccoons that can dig their way underneath. Look out for burrows and digging that might indicate a family of skunks in living on your property, your dog will thank you!
- Chimneys. Open chimneys are a favourite entry point for raccoons, squirrels and birds. If yours isn’t protected by screening you could run into problems this spring.