Smelling Bad on the Inside
Many people know that raccoons can devastate a lawn or trash barrels, but the real destructiveness comes to a head when they wriggle their way inside. Because of their propensity to chew into things, they can make short work of awnings and eaves to get into the warmth and shelter of your home. Once inside, they can wreak all kinds of havoc, leading to costly repairs once they're through. Thanks to humane wildlife prevention Ajax residents can contact professionals when spotting signs of damage like these:- Holes in the exterior: Raccoons are stronger than they look, and with their dexterous paws they can rip the shingles and siding right off of buildings. Their persistence knows no bounds, and they'll dig right through walls to squeeze their bodies indoors to nest. They also don't care about water damage, so those holes will likely remain open and precipitation will find its way inside, causing even more problems. Matching siding, fixing walls and repairing roofs add up in costs, so preventing damage before it happens is helpful in the long run.
- Destroyed insulation: Like many animals, raccoons will build nests to help keep their young warm and provide a safe space to nurse them. Unfortunately for you, attic insulation is a great medium for bedding. Not only will they collect bundles of it from your walls and attic flooring, but they will also compress what's already there just by walking around. This is not only a costly fix, but it may drastically affect your home heating bills in the meantime.
- Feces and urine: While raccoons are generally clean animals, they still view the world as their toilet. This means your attic is also prime real estate for feces and urine. These droppings not only smell, but they can house a multitude of ailments including rabies and ringworm, the latter of which may leave sufferers blind! Don't try to clean up these messes yourself; seek out professional assistance immediately. Not only will professionals be able to properly dispose of the waste, but urine-soaked insulation is going to need replacing too.
- Wiring and ductwork: Raccoons chew, and they're known to eat anything. Electrical wiring can be alluring to them. Even though they may get a shock for their efforts, a tasty nibble can leave parts of your home without power or even cause a fire hazard. The same goes for ducts, as these crafty animals may figure out a well-placed hole will keep the attic at a nice temperature. Some even make their beds inside heating ducts!