Why Do Raccoons Attack Dogs?
Raccoons don't go looking for fights with dogs. Given the opportunity, they would prefer to avoid a confrontation. On the other hand, a dog that sees a strange animal in its territory is instinctually driven to investigate. It may take an aggressive stance immediately to defend its family, or it may make what it believes is a friendly overture, but either way, the raccoon is likely to feel threatened. There are three situations in which a raccoon may attack a dog:- The raccoon is cornered with no easy escape route available.
- The dog has trespassed on the raccoon's territory. This may happen if your dog spots a raccoon while walking with you in the woods. The raccoon is likely to be more aggressive if it is a female and the dog gets too close to her den or her kits.
- The two are competing over food. Raccoons don't like dogs, but they love dog food, and if it is left outside, they will help themselves. If the dog finds the raccoon by its food bowl, a fight may break out.