What Attracts Coyotes to your Milwaukee Property?
When wildlife animals migrate into human-occupied spaces, it is usually due to a number of different factors. For one, wildlife animals are driven from their natural habitats by human activities such as the extension of towns and cities and deforestation. In addition to being forced out of shrinking habitats, many wildlife animals are also attracted by the food options provided in urban areas. Like other wildlife animals, coyotes are also attracted to properties when they detect the availability of food.Eliminating Coyote Attractions from your Property
According to wildlife expert and lead author on the Milwaukee County Coyote Management plan, Marcus Mueller, ‘Homeowners can take many steps to reduce the risk of conflict with coyotes. The first step is to remove the attractants that bring them in the first place. This includes food, water, and shelter resources’ Coyotes eat almost everything. This means that the list of things to remove from your premises to avoid attracting them will be extensive. You can start by ensuring that garbage is disposed of promptly and kept in bins that are locked to prevent coyote access. The bins should also be too heavy or sturdy for coyotes to topple over. Fruits account for about 20% of a coyote’s diet so you should remove any fruit that may be on your property. This means if you have fruit trees, you will have to be vigilant to ensure that all fruits that fall to the ground are removed. Since coyotes love to eat rodents, you would also get wildlife control experts to handle any rodent infestation that may be occurring on your property.Professional Protection From Coyote Invasion