How Can I Tell if a Raccoon is Rabid or Not?
Here are five typical signs of a rabid raccoon:- Appears to look sick- raccoons can contract a variety of diseases, but you should not risk coming into contact with a sick raccoon.
- Foaming at the mouth – One of the most well-known symptoms of rabies. If you spot this, be sure to keep your distance.
- Making strange noises - most raccoons make noises, but a sick raccoon will make uncommon noises.
- Looks confused, disoriented, and slow – a healthy raccoon will look busy as they are very active and intelligent.
- Difficulty walking – Paralysis in the legs is often a symptom of rabies.
What to Do If You Spot an Aggressive Racoon
An aggressive raccoon that doesn’t seem to be afraid of people is not a particularly useful sign that lets you know it has rabies. The raccoon may have been fed by humans, in which case they might harass people to get more food. Rabies or not, it means that seeking out professional raccoon removal services should be your immediate course of action. Steer clear of raccoons and all wildlife and always seek out professional help at the first sign of an infestation.