The Key to A Raccoon’s Success
Raccoons can overcome almost any obstacle that stands between them and their food. Their dexterous paws are comparable to human hands in appearance and function, as a result, they accomplish tasks (such as grasping and twisting) that baffle many other wildlife animals. It is no wonder they are able to break into raccoon proof bins and even your shed.Raccoon Activity - The Basics
Unlike many other wildlife species that have seasons of inactivity (usually winter) raccoons are active all year round which means you will get no breaks from their aggressive foraging. Your garden is the usual target for them since they eat just about anything. Most greenery is considered food by raccoons, which means that much of what you plant in your garden, will be attracting them.Signs of Raccoon Intrusion
Look out for raccoon behavior at night. If you can manage to stay up late or drag yourself out of bed in the late hours of the night, you might be able to catch raccoons in the act. If you simply don’t have the stamina for a stealth mode observation of raccoons at night, you can consider looking out for signs of raccoon damage as you inspect your property during the day. A ransacked garden can indicate that raccoons have been foraging around in there at night. The more intense the damage seems, the more likely it is that raccoons are the culprits as their foraging efforts tend to be more intense than other animals. One obvious sign to look out for is the prints of raccoon paws near the area of concern. Raccoon tracks tend to resemble small human hands but often have longer ‘finger’ prints.