What Happens When Squirrels Break Into An Attic
Following the initial invasion, squirrels will continue to move into your home and take over the attic. The reason why they find the attic so appealing is because of its height, which means squirrels are away from predators and humans while still having the benefit of coziness and warmth. Squirrels have a particular affinity for chewing, which likely means any insulation or other components of the attic such as plastic, aluminum or wood will be destroyed. Another important reason why removing squirrels from your home is an urgent job is the fact that these rodents breed two times per year. The presence of babies makes it more complicated to remove them, so noticing signs of squirrels means you need to act immediately and get in touch with a squirrel removal specialist. [caption id="attachment_14366" align="aligncenter" width="584"] Squirrels are capable of causing extensive damage to attic structural wood and electrical wiring[/caption]What To Do If Squirrels Find Their Way Into Your Home
Squirrels are pretty smart and they typically aim to gain access into a home’s attic. They usually do this by finding or making small holes in the walls or roofline. A simple way of denying them access to the inside of your attic is to perform an inspection of your home, identify these entry points and then close them off. If the squirrels are coming in using a vent or other areas that need to stay open for usability, opt for a wire mesh. A wire mesh will allow the vent or opening to continue functioning normally while denying access to the squirrels. [caption id="attachment_14367" align="aligncenter" width="584"] Baby squirrels are born with their eyes shut and don't leave their nest until up to 8 weeks after birth[/caption]Looking To Remove Squirrels From Your Home Humanely? There’s No Better Choice Than Skedaddle
A professional approach is the absolute best option for getting rid of a squirrel infestation. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control is specialized in humane removal of wildlife populations from homes and has more than 20 years of experience to back it up. More than 200,000 satisfied homeowners serve as a testament to Skedaddles mission of removing various critters from houses. A particular way in which Skedaddle achieves that is through its proven three-step process:- Assess & Remove
- Clear & Clean
- Prevent & Protect