People commonly invite birds on their properties so they can enjoy the spectacular sight of them flying around and feeding while releasing beautiful songs. This is why bird feeders and bird baths are such popular items to add in the backyard. But nature’s winged entertainers can also be a nuisance, especially for Milwaukee residents whose environment naturally hosts birds. A few species are more troublesome than others though, and often trigger calls for animal control assistance on Milwaukee properties.
Saucy and Sassy Seagulls
When you consider the name seagulls you probably automatically assume that these birds limit their activities to the beach or parks looking for that picnic basket of food. Unfortunately for many Milwaukee homeowners, seagulls also thrive inland. Seagulls are usually white but offset by other colors. Most species have yellow beaks and legs.
These opportunistic scavengers are aggressive and will grab food from other species or even their own kind. They are quite a bother because they frequent shops where food is prepared or served such as pastry shops especially those with outdoor dining spaces and are sometimes bold enough to confront people for food. Seagulls are among those birds protected by the Migratory Birds Treaty act and so it is best to get expert humane wildlife removal services on the ground if you’re dealing with a seagull nuisance.
Pigeons Vs People
Different species have different physical features but for most, they can be distinguished by feathers that are either grey or blue-grey and a small bit of black on the tip of their tails. They may also feature black bands on their wings. Adult pigeons can be anywhere from 11-14 inches in length with a wingspan of 27-31 inches.
Pigeons are by nature, easily adaptable to human environments like towns and cities. They often flock to places like parks where they’ll find food and are more likely to turn up in droves than other birds. Their nesting practices affect human settlements negatively. They love to build their nests in crevices and cracks and very often pipes and drains are blocked by these nests. Their waste matter is also a problem as it stains the surface on which it is deposited.
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Starlings got their name from their star like appearance. Their plumpish bodies, long beaks, and dwarfish tails contribute to this appearance. These relatively small birds are notorious for getting their 8-9 inches long bodies caught in vents. To prevent a nuisance for you and a potentially life-threatening situation for the starling, you should ensure that all pipes and vents leading from your home are properly capped. Like pigeons, starlings love to flock as they travel which makes their presence overwhelming for many people. Sometimes loud fights break out among starling flocks making the specie even more annoying as wildlife nuisances.
House Sparrows
This bird species is the one with the greatest distribution around the world. House sparrows typically have 14-18 inches long bodies covered with brown or brown-grey feathers and have plump chests. They are omnivorous consuming anything from nuts and seeds to bugs. They are aggressive with other bird species and even pets and can inflict injuries. Plants are not safe around these aggressive birds either. House sparrows are also known hosts of bacteria and parasites.
Expert Bird Removal and Exclusion
In general, you can encourage birds to stay away from your space by reducing or eliminating the things that will attract them. But since birds rule the air essentially, there is little you can do to prevent them flying around outside. What you can do is reinforce your building to prevent birds from gaining access to the inside, because a panicked bird that got into your home accidentally will not be simple to handle. In fact, it is a good idea to call animal control services immediately if a bird gets into your Milwaukee home.