Squirrels are creatures that have adapted well to living in urban environments alongside human neighbors, and while the squirrels may benefit from it, they often cause countless problems for unsuspecting homeowners. When squirrels have gotten inside your home, a professional squirrel removal service for your Milwaukee home is the recommended option to resolve a squirrel problem in the attic.
Skedaddle removes the animals effectively without harming them, at the same time protecting you from getting exposed to a disease from the squirrel's excrement or the squirrel attacking you in self-defense.
If possible, preventing squirrels from getting inside your home in the first place is preferable to get rid of squirrels. There are a number of DIY steps you can take to make your home and yard less attractive to them. The more you understand why squirrels behave the way they do, the more successful these steps are likely to be.
What Can You Do To Keep Squirrels Away?
Squirrels are diurnal, meaning that they sleep at night and are active during the day. Most of their active hours are spent looking for food. Tree squirrels are considered herbivorous and feed primarily on seeds, nuts, and berries. Like other types of urban wildlife, they may also eat out of your trash cans if they get the chance.
Some of the food they eat right away, and the rest they save for winter. Squirrels do not hibernate, and because the food they eat becomes more scarce during the winter, they have to build up stores when the weather is plentiful. Squirrels may bury their stores of food or hide them in tree hollows, but they may also store them in attics and wall voids.
Squirrels give birth twice a year, once in the spring and once in the late summer or early fall. There are about five to six pups in a litter, and the babies are born hairless and blind. Part of the reason why squirrels in the attic are such a big problem is that mother squirrels look for nest sites that are warm, safe from predators, and near their hidden food stores. Your attic can fit all three criteria.
Here are some of the simplest and most effective DIY steps you can take to deter squirrels from your property:
Get rid of squirrel food
Prevent squirrels from eating from your bird feeders
Fence your garden
Try squirrel repellent
Lure the squirrels away to another location
Remove Squirrel Food From Your Property
You can accomplish this in two steps. First, you can get your hands on some sealable outdoor trash cans, which will prevent squirrels from rummaging in them. Second, you can rake up the squirrels’ main sources of food such as acorns, berries, and nuts, if you have these types of trees on your property.
Prevent Squirrels From Accessing Birdfeeders
To stop squirrels from cleaning out your bird feeders before the birds do, you can try filling them with safflower seeds because squirrels find them bitter. Clean the area under the feeder; this will discourage the critters from approaching them. Place the feeders away from your home and trees to deny squirrels access to them. Purchase squirrel guards that attach to your feeder; they will prevent the squirrels from climbing up to reach the food.
Fence Your Garden
Unless you take measures to protect your garden, squirrels will tear off vegetables and dig up bulbs. Simply use a wire fence to solve this problem and ensure you bury it at least 12 inches into the ground to prevent squirrels from digging underneath. This is one of the most effective methods of removing squirrels from your Milwaukee home.
Squirrel Repellent
Some repellents that are available at home, garden, and hardware stores are made with the urine of predators. When sprayed around homeowners’ gardens, these are meant to keep squirrels away. Other repellents contain black or cayenne pepper and are designed not to bother birds, meaning they can be added directly to the bird feeder.
What Is the Process Skedaddle Uses To Get Rid of Squirrels?
Squirrels usually have at least five alternative den sites within their territory where they can move if the one they are currently using becomes uninhabitable. With squirrel control, our goal is to remove the squirrels from your home and make it inaccessible to them so that they will take their babies and move to another den site.
To get rid of squirrels humanely, the first step we take is to startle the mother so that she exits the attic or at least leaves the nest. We then search for the babies, which can be a challenge because they are small and the mother typically keeps them well hidden. We place the babies in a special heated box for safety and protection and place it outside. Their mother will be able to locate the babies and take them to a different den site.
The next step in our process is to identify any entry points that squirrels used to get in. We install one-way doors over these so that if there are any adult squirrels left in the building, they are able to get out but cannot get back in. We deodorize the entry point so that it doesn't attract more squirrels and clean and decontaminate where the squirrels have been to remove any parasites or pathogens.
In Need Of Reliable Squirrel Removal In Milwaukee? Call Skedaddle
Squirrels in your yard are not a problem per se but do increase the chances that they will eventually make it into your house. According to experts, squirrels can have the most negative impact on your property, even more so than animals with much worse reputations, such as raccoons or mice.
If squirrels make it into your home despite your attempts at DIY prevention, it is time to call Skedaddle. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control is a company that has helped more than 200,000 homeowners over the course of our two-decades-long history of solving wildlife infestation problems. There is no better choice for your infestation issue than Skedaddle if you are looking to have wildlife removed quickly, effectively, and humanely. We provide a lifetime guarantee on all of the materials we use. Call us today and let the professionals remove wildlife safely from your home.