What Methods of Removal Do You Use?
To begin, you want to learn what methods the company uses for removal. It is recommended that mouse removal companies in Mississauga use humane methods to remove the mice from the home. Humane methods such as one way traps are a common removal option and can work to catch the mice and see them released back into the wild, far away from your home. Inhumane methods such as poison, glue traps or mouse traps will harm the mice and can cause problems in the home. Poison and glue traps are harmful to pets as well as children and should not be used in the home to catch mice. You want to ensure the mouse removal company you choose will use humane methods for removal so no one in your home is at risk.
What Prevention Methods Can You Offer?
Once the mice are removed, you want to see preventative measures put in place to keep any mice from entering your home again. Ask the mice removal company what action they take to keep mice from coming back inside the home. At Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, our technicians will survey the home and discover entry and exit points, taking great care to close these areas off so mice cannot return. You want to find out what the company can provide by way of preventative measures to keep a mice infestation problem from happening again.