Quiet Entry
Since they are nocturnal creatures, raccoons typically sneak into your home at night. They are noisy, troublesome pests, so it’s important to prevent entry. Here are some common areas of your home that are invitations for one of these furry neighbours:- Roof-soffit intersections: Many houses have multiple roof lines that intersect. If you have dormers or other areas where the soffit meets your roofing material, it’s an easy entrance for a raccoon. These intelligent animals can crawl right up to the soffit and push up to enter your attic space.
- Roof edges: A compromised roof perimeter is easily turned into a doorway. The edge of your roof, particularly near an eavestrough, can be compromised over time from water damage. Raccoons have been known to chew and claw their way directly through your roofing materials.
- Plumbing mats, chimneys and roof vents: Any hole in your roof looks like an open invitation for a raccoon, particularly if there’s warm air escaping from it. These holes in your roof often have some sort of mat, fencing or cover protecting them from wildlife, but a determined raccoon can often damage them and create their own entrance.
Noisy Residency