Can Mice Live in Trees?
Many people may be surprised to learn that mice can, in fact, thrive in trees. Two species, the deer mouse and the dormouse are known for their tree-summiting capabilities. These furry climbers have a relatively long tail, which may be foundational to their skillset. They can use their tail to offset their body weight in order to balance themselves effectively. Additionally, the roughness of bark provides an ideal surface for mice to scurry their weight up a tree. Although mice sometimes recycle nests left behind by other animals, they can also make their own nests high above the ground. Hollow areas in trees also make suitable nesting sites.Where Else Do Mice Live?
The mice that homeowners most frequently come across in Montreal are not tree climbers. Instead, the common house mouse and field mouse like to settle down in underground burrows or within the foliage of bushes. Though these animals are able to ascend trees, they generally do not make their home there. These are the mice, therefore, that are most likely to sneak into your home in search of food or warmth.