Some people underestimate the difficulties of wildlife removal and prevention, often opting for DIY raccoon removal and other species removals. Unfortunately, DIY options result in several mistakes that are often harmful to wildlife and negligent from a legal standpoint. To limit any mistakes with wildlife, it is best to leave removals to professionals. Services understand the laws and various animal species, meaning they can resolve issues with minimal mistakes and avoid any unnecessary trouble.
4 Common Removal Mistakes
Most home and property owners have their best interests at heart when attempting DIY removals. They assume the process is straightforward and that DIY options are less expensive and just as effective as professional services. Unfortunately, wildlife rarely enters the equation when considering whether a DIY removal is best, leaving the animals to suffer. Before attempting a DIY option, consider the four most common mistakes DIYers make when removing wildlife from their properties.
1. Sealing Holes
Most people understand that to stop wildlife from entering their houses, they need to eliminate access points. Unfortunately, many property owners are too quick to get to this step, sealing all openings before ensuring the animals are outside of the structure.
If you prematurely seal your home, you inadvertently seal the animals inside. Trapping the animals results in several other problems. First, the creatures will die of starvation, which is painful and inexcusable. Second, when the animals die, they will release an odour that will remain in your home for weeks, especially if you cannot find and remove the bodies. Finally, in search of the dead, professional services may open walls and ceilings, resulting in further expenses.
2. Trapping and Relocating
Many people practicing DIY raccoon removal in Oshawa believe it is as simple as trapping and relocating the animal. It is not. First, raccoons can be quite vicious when cornered, so the threat of injuries is real. Because raccoons can carry and transmit diseases to humans, the removal becomes even more dangerous. Second, there are rules and regulations about the safe and humane removal of wildlife; you cannot just trap an animal and move it elsewhere. Finally, relocating the animal is not a surefire way of preventing future infestations or problems. A wildlife service or professional is the only person capable of removing wildlife without issues for the homeowner or the animal.
3. Attempting DIY Removal
DIY removal is dangerous for you and your family. Wildlife may seem cute and cuddly, but most species will defend themselves when threatened. Their defences can be anything from bites to scratches to spraying. All of these defences can be potentially life-threatening to you and your loved ones. If bitten or scratched by a wild animal, you must seek medical treatment for possible infections or diseases. The only way to prevent such issues is to hire professional services to defend and clear your property.
4. Creating Abandonment
Many animals will seek shelter in and around your property when they are pregnant. Wildlife is not stupid; the animals know that most predators avoid humans, which means they may feel safer nesting close to or inside a human made structure.
If you remove a mother from her young, you risk the babies dying. Also, if you do not correctly handle the removal of a mother and her young, you risk the mother abandoning her babies and, once again, the death of the babies.
Professional services know how to handle a nesting mother. They can safely remove the mom and move the young to a safe location where they are protected until the mother returns.
How To Get Rid of Raccoons and Other Wildlife
If you have a wildlife problem, call Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. Friendly staff will send a team to investigate your situation and offer several solutions.