The early signs of a mouse infestation can be subtle. Mice are nocturnal, so you may not see them at first. Instead, you may notice signs of their presence, such as their nests. If you find a mouse nest or any signs that mice may be building a nest on your property, you need to call for professional mice removal in Toronto right away. Because of the speed at which mice reproduce, an infestation can grow quickly.
3 Answers to Questions About Mouse Nests and When To Call Mice Removal in Toronto
Mice are susceptible to the cold. They do not hibernate in the winter, so they build nests that provide them shelter and keep them warm. Mouse nests also provide shelter for mice babies, which are hairless, blind, and helpless when they are born. Mice do not have a particular mating season; they can reproduce every 21-25 days.
1. What Do Mice Look For in Nesting Materials?
Mice look for nesting materials that are warm. They look for soft materials that are comfortable for the babies to snuggle down in. They also look for materials that they can easily shred into manageable pieces and take back to their nest site to use for building.
2. What Are Some Common Materials That Mice Use for Nests?
Mice are opportunistic; they use whatever suitable materials they can find to make a nest. If you have mice in your home, you may find nests made of one or more of the following:
- Botanical Materials: In the wild, mice make nests out of materials such as twigs or grass. They may bring these materials in from outside to make a nest. The good news is that, because these materials do not belong in your home, it points clearly to a mouse infestation. The bad news is that these materials may create a fire hazard.
- Paper: Paper is easy for mice to tear and shred into the size they need to build a nest. Because it tends to be plentiful in a home, mice often use it for nesting material. If you see small pieces missing out of larger sheets with small teeth marks on the paper, mice are probably behind the damage.
- Furniture Stuffing: The stuffing in your furniture is warm, soft, and light, making it an ideal nesting material from a mouse’s perspective. Mice have very sharp teeth and can easily make a hole in the upholstery to get to the stuffing. From there, they may either pull the stuffing out to make a nest elsewhere or crawl right under the upholstery to make a nest in the furniture.
3. What Keeps Mice Away?
If you have a mouse infestation, you should call professionals who know how to get rid of mice. However, if you don’t have an infestation, there are things you can do to deter rodents from your property.
Because mice are small prey animals, they look for places to hide. If you keep your lawn well maintained, they may not feel comfortable crossing your property. You should also maintain your home regularly, taking particular care to close off any openings that mice could use to get into your home. You should remove exterior food sources such as bird feeders that can attract mice.
Inside the house, you should remove anything that could attract mice. For example, you should clean up food spills and crumbs in the kitchen, store pet food in airtight metal containers, and repair any water leaks inside your home as soon as possible.
How Skedaddle Can Help With Mice Removal in Toronto
Our technicians are trained to assess the property, identify the type of wildlife present, and remove them effectively. Our process of mice removal in Toronto includes cleaning and decontaminating where the mice have been and protecting your home against a repeat infestation. Contact us for more information.