You may enjoy watching squirrels scamper around your yard, but because the creatures are notorious for gnawing on various materials you probably don’t want them living inside your shed. Like many other animals, squirrels often enter houses and sheds in search of food, shelter, nesting spots, and warmth, requiring homeowners to reach out to squirrel removal in Waukesha. Making your shed into an unappealing environment for squirrels is the best way to keep them from taking up residence. These four tips can help you squirrel-proof your shed.
Check for Entry Points Around the Shed
If there are small holes in the exterior of your shed, they’re likely giving squirrels an easy point of entry. You can keep squirrels out of your shed by patching these holes. The animals may be persistent and create new holes, but this tactic is usually enough to keep them from coming back to the building.
Trim Back Trees
It’s no secret that squirrels spend a lot of time in trees, but you may not know that they are excellent jumpers. If you have a lot of trees with low-hanging branches next to your shed, the animals are likely using the limbs to access the building. You can eliminate the convenience by trimming your trees regularly so you don’t give squirrels a convenient way to reach your shed.
Install Lights
Although squirrels are not nocturnal and can often be seen frolicking during the daytime hours, they don’t like a lot of bright light when they are trying to find a quiet place to nest. One easy way to make your shed a less appealing spot for squirrels is to make use of motion-activated lights. Install them outside of your shed so that they are triggered every time a squirrel scampers past. The bright light will likely be enough to convenience squirrels to nest elsewhere, and since you may already have lights on hand, this is one of the easiest, most cost-efficient tactics to deter squirrels.
Use a Radio
Although squirrels are relatively friendly and are less scared of humans than other types of wildlife, they don’t like a lot of noise. They prefer to build nests in quiet environments, so if your shed has a constant source of noise, squirrels are less likely to move in. Try using a radio inside your shed. Even if you keep the volume on low, the constant sound may be enough to keep squirrels at bay.
How To Get Rid of Squirrels
Trapping and relocating squirrels in your shed may seem like the best way to get rid of them, but this tactic usually does more harm than good. Not only do you risk stressing the animals out, but you could also accidentally separate them from their babies or upset the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
Skedaddle takes a more humane approach to squirrel removal. We start by making your shed a poor environment for squirrels to thrive, and then we take measures to bar entry. If you already have a family of squirrels living inside your shed, we’ll work to remove the babies without harming them and keep them in a warm reunification box until their mother returns to get them outside of the shed. In addition to identifying and blocking potential points of entry, we’ll give you additional tips on how to keep the animals out of your shed in the future.
Call an Expert Today for Squirrel Removal in Waukesha
Whether you need to know how to get rid of squirrels in the attic or a backyard shed, calling a professional for help is the best option. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control is ready to help with squirrel control in Waukesha, so contact us today to schedule an appointment.