1. Store Firewood Away From Your Home
It may be convenient to have a stack of firewood within easy reach of your door. However, firewood can provide nesting sites for mice, and if it is too near the house, it can allow them access to your home's interior as well. Firewood should be stored at least 20 feet away from the house. You can also help keep animals out of your woodpile by stacking it up off the ground. For example, you can stack it on top of bricks or cinder blocks to create a barrier.2. Empty the Trash Often
Garbage cans can provide food for wildlife, especially raccoons and other animals that live by scavenging. Raccoons are highly intelligent and opportunistic. Once they learn that a trash can provides a reliable food source, they are likely to make their homes nearby. Your attic may provide the most convenient nesting spot. You should never let trash accumulate on your property. If you have to put trash cans outside overnight, you should secure them to a fixed object with a bungee cord to prevent raccoons from knocking them over and cover them with a securely latching lid. Since raccoons are nocturnal and return to their dens during the day, it might be better to wait until morning to put the trash out, if possible.