1. Pecking at Shingles or Siding
When birds are looking for nesting locations and materials, they may decide on your eaves as the ideal location. Once they have decided to take up residence, they may start pecking on siding or shingles. This could lead to leaking and water damage. The woodpecker may be the most destructive in this regard because of the rate at which it can cause damage, but sparrows, starlings, and pigeons can cause the same types of damage at a slower rate.2. Building Nests in Gutters or Vents
Birds may build nests in the vents on your roof or in the gutters along your eaves. This can prevent these structures from working the way they're supposed to. A nest in the roof vent may prevent the release of gases from your home or contaminate the air supply inside. If a nest is blocking the gutter, it can cause water to leak under your shingles and potentially damage the gutter itself.