1. Bring Substantial Messes To Your Property
Raccoons and squirrels are not known for their tidiness. While typically clean with high-quality grooming standards, the animals do not care as much for their surroundings. During mating season, the critters are in desperate need of adequate nesting grounds. They will stop at nothing to find a safe and secluded den site. Unfortunately for homeowners, safe and secluded does not always mean far from your property. If the animals decide to build dens or nest on or near your property, you will likely find evidence. You might discover droppings, food scraps, loose nesting materials, trash, etc.2. Cause Significant Damage To Your Home
In search of a safe home, many squirrels and raccoons find residential homes most appealing, especially the attic space. While it might not seem like the logical choice for any species wanting to avoid humans, you need to ask yourself, how often do you go into your attic? Attic spaces provide shelter and protection from predators. Additionally, they typically offer a place of peace. Squirrels and raccoons commonly enter attic spaces, but they do not do so gently. Raccoons and squirrels are determined animals. They will chew through siding, pull away vents, and do any number of destructive things to access a safe place to house their family.