The first call we receive each year for confirmed baby raccoons or squirrels kick-starts our busiest time of year.
This is the time of year when wildlife that have been hunkering down in your attic all winter start birthing. Raccoons in particular can cause an enormous amount of damage creating nests to birth. These nests, which are already likely infested with ticks and fleas and other ectoparasites, can exist in hidden corners of attics and other areas within a home. It’s very important to have a professional identify and remove the animals and materials safely and humanely.
When do-it-yourselfers try and remove a mother raccoon, without knowledge of how to do-so humanely, the risk of causing harm to the babies, the mother, and themselves is very real. We hear time and time again of homeowners locking the mother out with babies still present in the home. This causes extreme anxiety and panic to the mother, and often results in extensive damage to the exterior of the home through her trying to get back in. When a mother raccoon knows her children are inside and cannot get to them, their instincts take over and that’s the worst-case scenario.
Always contact a reputable wildlife control company when dealing with squirrels, raccoons, skunks, and other wildlife babies. You will save yourself a lot of time and money.