Nobody likes expensive surprises – the need to dip into rainy funds or pick up extra shifts to deal with the unexpected and mounting needs of a house in crisis. One of the biggest surprise costs is finding a wild animal has taken up residence in the attic, walls, basement, or crawl, making you feel angry you didn’t take wildlife prevention more seriously.
There is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. Wildlife control experts can attest that even homes with diligent prevention schedules can sometimes become the victims of a wild intruder. The focus should never be on what you could have done in the past; it should be on what you can do now to limit damage and salvage your home.
DIY Solutions Are Never Enough
Too many people turn to DIY or do-it-yourself schemes to reduce the ultimate costs associated with wildlife removal and repair. While you might have skills when it comes to various DIY projects, no one should play expert when it comes to wild animals.
Wildlife, like raccoons, bats, rodents, and skunks, can be carriers of transmissible diseases. While most of these animals are rather docile, all can and will attack if they feel threatened. Many DIY animal lovers think they can just grab an animal and remove it from their property. That is both dangerous and ineffective. You should never touch or approach a wild animal without the proper training.
You might also want to consider your home value and insurance coverage. Depending on the extent of the damage, animal intrusion can result in a significant hit to your home value, making it difficult to find approval for an equity loan. Also, before attempting DIY solutions, consider that many insurance companies prefer animal removal, cleanup, and repair be handled by a licensed professional to protect the value of the property.
Consider the Animal and Potential Damage
People might assume a mouse is incapable of creating the same level of property loss as a raccoon. On the surface, this assumption is correct. After all, a mouse is tiny, and a raccoon is large and significantly heavier. However, the assumption only holds if you only deal with a single mouse for a short period of time.
Mice reproduce rapidly, and logic dictates if you see one mouse, you likely have more. If mice are left to reproduce, you can end up with thousands upon thousands of dollars in damage to the structure of your home. Unfortunately, mice can go unnoticed for some time, meaning the animals contribute to problems in your home over the course of weeks or months.
Essentially, what all this comes down to is any species of wildlife is not a welcomed guest in your house. No wild animal knows how to live or conduct itself indoors. It will gather food, go to the bathroom, and collect bedding materials anywhere in the house. Without proper training in the handling and cleaning of a wildlife intrusion, the well-meaning and money-saving homeowner will probably miss a few crucial steps and spend more than originally bargained for.
Professionals Are the Cost-Effective and Worthwhile Solution
Wildlife prevention is not a luxury expense; it is a necessity. By investing in wildlife control as part of the homeowner experience, you ensure the costs never get out of hand or become unexpected. Many professional services offer wildlife management programs, which include protecting your home against unwanted intruders.
If you are interested in protecting your property and taking a preventative stance against curious wildlife, do not hesitate to contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. We will schedule the first available opening to have a wildlife technician assess your property and provide potential solutions that fit your budget.