In an attempt to control the Ontario rabies outbreak, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry will be dropping edible vaccines throughout the province. If you find bait it’s best to leave it alone. It’s intended to stop the virus from spreading among large mammals.
Rabies in Guelph
Ontario has seen a large spike in rabies cases since the first positive test in many years was confirmed in December 2015. Although no cases have been discovered in Guelph the virus is getting closer. Rabies can easily spread through infected animals.
There have been 180 confirmed rabies cases in the province. The vaccine drop area stretches from Lake Erie to northern Wellington County, including Brampton, Niagara Falls and part of Huron County. The dropping of rabies vaccines is only a precaution for Guelph. The ministry wants to bait a 50 km radius around every known case. Quebec saw an outbreak in 2008 and 2009. They used a similar tactic to control the virus. It was eliminated within five years. Ontario is hoping to see the same results.

A female raccoon inside a shed.
Rabies baiting
Dropped by helicopter and airplane, the small bait packs look like a large piece of ravioli. The baits contain a rabies vaccine that is ingested when eaten. The bait used to entice mainly raccoons, skunks and foxes to eat. Covering a large area will hopefully reduce rabies from spreading. The vaccine tablet is not harmful to pets and humans. You may discover small green tablets in your yard. If you’re concerned of your pet ingesting a vaccine make sure to contact poison control. In the case of human contact please reach out to your doctor. The ministry has tested the vaccine and it’s harmless to most mammals.
What is rabies?
A virus that causes acute inflammation of the brain. It’s spread through infected animal’s saliva entering the bloodstream. It’s nearly always fatal if left untreated. Symptoms include:
- Violent movements.
- Uncontrolled excitement.
- Fear of water.
- An inability to move parts of the body.
- Loss of consciousness.
Hamilton rabies outbreak
The Ontario rabies outbreak began in Hamilton. It was discovered when a rabid raccoon attacked a pet dog in the back of an animal control van. The virus is thought to have been introduced to Ontario from New York State by a hitchhiking raccoon.

A raccoon entry point into an attic through a gable vent.
Guelph animal control
Make sure to keep your distance from wildlife you suspect to be rabid. Rabies can be transmitted to humans. The virus is frequently spread to other areas by humans who trap and relocate wildlife to other areas. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry states that captured wildlife must be released within one kilometre of where they were captured and on private property with the owner’s permission.
If you’re dealing with nuisance wildlife, trapping and relocating animals isn’t the solution. It won’t solve your problem and it could put you at risk for coming into contact with an infected animal. Your best bet is to call a professional wildlife removal service. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control has been humanely removing and excluding wildlife from homes without the use of traps since 1989.
Call today! 1-888-592-0387