Wildlife infestations are most common during spring as this time of year represents their birthing season. Wildlife mothers need safe and secure places to raise their babies during this time of year. So if you’ve ever had a rodent or pest infestation in your home or property, you know how difficult it can be to solve the problem once little ones arrive. The presence of wildlife babies further complicates the removal process, and it is necessary and wise to use a humane approach to keep both the babies and the mother unharmed. Spring wildlife animal removal can be attempted the DIY way, but it is definitely safer and better to have a professional pest control company tackle the job.
What Pests Are The Most Problematic?
There are different wildlife species in Canada that typically cause problems for homeowners. Among the most common ones are:
● Raccoons
● Squirrels
● Skunks
● Birds
● Bats
Every nuisance wildlife species has slightly different habits, though raccoons, skunks, and squirrels will gladly take advantage of anything they get in the urban environment to find a safe den, give birth and raise their babies. Raccoons, for instance, once relied on old hollow trees for their dens before human settlement came along. Nowadays, with fewer tree and more homes and other structures, the ever adaptable raccoon is simply making due with what they have.
Should I Try Humane Wildlife Animal Removal Techniques By Myself?
No. There are many reasons for this, but the most important ones are you likely do not have the proper training, experience or knowledge to understand each specific pest and remove it safely. This can lead to making dangerous mistakes, like attempting to remove the babies from your home only to have the mother catch you red handed. Mothers are fiercely protective of their young, which means you are looking at bites, scratches and other injuries. Instead, opt for a professional humane pest removal company like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control.

Raccoon babies removed from homes are reunited with their mother so that she can raise them in one of her other den sites
Need A Reputable And Reliable Humane Wildlife Animal Removal Company?
DIY humane animal removal carries numerous risks with it as you need to know the specific pest you have a problem with, and also have proper training and experience to know how to approach the problem safely and intelligently. Humane removal means keeping wildlife mothers and their babies together during the process while ensuring they aren’t able to regain entry.
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control is a pioneer when it comes to humane removal and exclusion and has helped thousands of homeowners over the course of its nearly three decades-long history. The company offers reliability and effectiveness, so contact Skedaddle today if you’d like to be free from spring pests and their babies and protect your home.