Pests in the home can be quite annoying. From mice to squirrels, pests can enter the home and become a nuisance, chewing up furniture and leaving behind droppings. Pests can be a health hazard, bringing disease into the home as well as causing you to become sick without knowing the culprit who is behind it all. Often times, pests are in the home for quite some time before the homeowner actually catches on. It is important to have the pest situation taken care of quickly to ensure that the animals are no longer living in the home, causing damage to the property as well as leaving behind feces and urine, all of which can cause sickness.
Be Proactive
If you are a homeowner, it can be beneficial to be proactive. Examine the interior and exterior of your home on a regular basis. Cover up any holes or cracks in the foundation, roof line or attic space with small grating so that creatures are unable to gain entry. Add deterrents such as motion lighting to keep creatures from trying to gain access to your particularly in the attic area.
Dealing with Pests
If you find that you already have animals living in your home, then you will need to take proactive measures. For larger animals such as raccoons or squirrels, you can take note as to when the creatures leave the home. For raccoons, this would be in the nighttime hours. Notice the pattern and then block off any entry way to ensure they cannot come back in. Pest control service providers could use a one-way door that would allow animals to leave, but prevent them from getting back inside your home. Be careful using one-way doors during the spring and summer birthing seasons as you could end up locking a mother out from her babies and causing yourself more problems.
For smaller creatures, such as mice and rats and even bats, it can take a little more ingenuity. These smaller animals can enter much smaller holes on the exterior of your house. It’s important to identify all potential entry points and block them off to prevent re-infestation. To remove the ones inside one-way doors can be used to lock them out when they go for food.
Hiring the Professionals
It is recommended that any home owner dealing with a pest issue, contact pest control. While you may have noticed the creatures in your home, you may not fully understand the danger or the problem as a whole. Creatures such as raccoons and squirrels can carry disease as well as produce babies that could now be living in your home. All of the pests, including any babies, would need to be removed.
A professional wildlife expert also understands what needs to be done by way of cleanup. They will be able to review the area and provide essential advice on what to restore, how to clean up the space, etc. You will be able to do what is necessary to ensure your home is safe from further invasions as well as be clean and healthy.
To learn more about pest control services for the home, contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. At Skedaddle, the experts are ready to provide you with quality pest control services for such creatures as bats, mice, raccoons, skunks and more.