The Impact of Human Behaviour on the Planet
Human behaviour has been having a negative impact on the natural world for centuries. Pollution has been widely exposed and explored as a negative spinoff of human activities. Usually, the focus is on the impact of pollution on plant life and the non-living resources such as the landforms and water bodies. The act of tossing waste anywhere at any time creates an unsightly picture but the damage runs much deeper.How Wildlife Fare in the Presence of Pollution
It is undeniable that the natural environment is impacted negatively when humans discard their waste irresponsibly, but the wildlife animals suffer as well. Wildlife animals lose habitat due to human activities. They also wind up trapped by pieces of garbage that have been carelessly discarded. Sometimes they end up consuming the garbage and suffering as a result.
How You can help to Save Wildlife From Pollution
By changing our own habits, people can help to protect wildlife animals from the dangers of littering. You can start by disposing of your garbage responsibly. Garbage that is carelessly tossed away often ends up wrapped around a wildlife animal’s body or worse, inside it. Remember that, unlike us, these animals usually fail to distinguish between edible and inedible items, especially since some of the garbage we toss is quite similar in appearance to wildlife food. We need to keep our garbage disposal mounds low and prevent them from growing. Recycling will help us to achieve this. For each item that you reuse or recycle, that is one less hazard to impact some poor unsuspecting wildlife animal. Imagine the impact if everyone decided to join the effort? If people use more biodegradable items and avoid plastics and other materials that either take forever to break down or (as is the case with plastics) are impossible to break down, then less hazardous material will be in the way of wildlife animals.