A squirrel infestation in house attic spaces is never a good thing. The animals will scurry through wall cavities, chew on wires, and defecate throughout the area. As a homeowner, you may smell, hear, or see evidence of squirrels on your property but feel helpless. Hiring a reputable wildlife control service is the only effective way to remove a squirrel infestation.
Signs of Squirrel Infestations
Squirrels, like most wildlife, are not subtle about their presence in your home. To the animal, it is doing nothing wrong by nesting in your space. All the squirrel knows is that it found a safe shelter and one that may also provide an adequate food supply.
If you are unsure if you have a squirrel problem in your home, there are signs. Paying attention to these signs is the best way to receive early intervention and prevent significant property damage.
1. Squirrel Droppings
Every animal poops. As gross as it is to find droppings around your home, it is a surefire sign of wildlife getting too comfortable on your property. You may discover squirrel poop around the house or on the roof near potential openings. If the animals are already inside your home, look for evidence in the attic or garage.
Remember, if you find evidence of wildlife, proceed with caution. While squirrels are small, they can be fierce if backed into a corner or provoked.
2. Entry Point Damage
Squirrels can chew through almost any home material, including metal. You may not notice signs of a squirrel infestation inside your house, but exterior signs might be more obvious. When inspecting the outside of your property for signs of squirrel damage, look for:
- Roofline damage
- Holes in shingles
- Bird feeder damage
- Chew marks on outdoor furniture
- Chew marks on exterior panels.
3. Interior Damage
Many homeowners will not notice interior damage immediately because most of it is hidden. Still, according to reports from experts in wildlife control in Markham, the evidence is there. Inspect the areas closely if you hear strange sounds or suspect animals in your attic or living space. Typical squirrel damage includes:
- Chewed electrical wires
- Air vent damage
- Chew marks on wood, wires, and walls
4. Bad Smells
A common problem with residential squirrel infestations is the stench of decay. Some squirrels might make it inside an attic space or wall cavity and not find their way out. Also, baby squirrels cannot provide for themselves, so the babies will die if their mother is successfully blocked from re-entering a property.
Some homeowners go to extreme lengths to rid their houses of wildlife, resorting to poisons. Do not attempt such methods. Not only are poisons unnecessarily cruel, but they will also only cause animals to die in your attic and walls, resulting in the odour of death and decay.
Sounds of Squirrel Infestations
Pay close attention to sounds in your house, especially in late winter and early spring. During these months, squirrels are looking for mates and new nesting sites.
Squirrels have a sleep schedule similar to humans, so you will most likely hear the animals in the early morning and early evening when they leave the nest and return. The sounds you are likely to hear include scurrying, scratching, scampering, and chewing. The most common areas to hear these noises are in the attic or through the drywall.
Wildlife Control Services in Markham
Squirrel removal is risky, and homeowners should not attempt DIY approaches. Wildlife professionals are the only people knowledgeable and skilled enough to attempt safe animal removals. Contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control if you suspect a squirrel infestation in your Markham home.