How To Deal With The Bushy-Tailed Rodents The DIY Way
DIY squirrel removal can be done around your home in several different ways. These include:- Taste repellents
- Fencing
- Trimming back tree branches
- Placing wire mesh across pot soil

Taste Repellents
Taste repellents are a good DIY solution as squirrels will avoid chewing on something that tastes bad to them. One way of avoiding squirrel damage in your yard is to spray hot pepper sauce on bird feeders and plants. Similarly, smearing a mixture of petroleum jelly and cayenne pepper or hot pepper sauce on electrical wires can prevent the critters from gnawing on them.Fencing
Removing squirrels from your Milwaukee home can also be done by installing a tall fence around your garden. If your garden is home to ripening strawberries or freshly-planted seeds, they will act as magnets for squirrels. The critters will not mind hopping the fence to reach the delicious food, having your garden enclosed with wire mesh will keep the squirrels from eating your hard work.Trimming Back Tree Branches
Squirrels are pretty clever and they will easily remember any overhanging tree branches that provide them access to your crops. This is why you need to perform a thorough inspection and trim back any branches the critters can use to get into your garden. If they are using a nearby tree as a launching pad into the area, then you need to prevent them from doing so.Placing Wire Mesh Across Pot Soil
Because squirrels like to dig in the potting soil, potted plants also fall victim to the furry acrobats quite often. When doing so, squirrels can tear apart or uproot the plants entirely. There are a number of reasons why they could be doing this, which include hoping to find buried treasure or looking for a place to store food for the winter. In order to stop this from happening, simply apply sections of wire mesh over the top of the pot and around the plant. This way the squirrels won’t be able to access the soil.