Yes, mice can cause a flood. They chew and chew without any regard for the important workings of our homes. If only they had that knowledge maybe we could live in harmony. Unfortunately sharing your home with mice means property damage, including floods.

Weep holes between bricks are a common mouse entry point. This one has the droppings to prove it.
How mice cause floods
They will pretty much chew anything. Constantly searching for nesting materials and food sources. Sometimes they can nibble the wrong thing. Your house can be a victim of serious damage. Mice get into the deepest parts of your building. They use plumbing runs and openings to travel through homes and they love to chew. Weakened pipes could result in leaks. Significant enough damage could end up in a flood.

Mouse activity below a sink
Cross-linked polyethylene piping (PEX) is a target
It’s a new type of plumbing pipe. It’s highly recommended as an alternative to copper or aluminum. There are lots of benefits. It’s flexible, low cost and easy to install. PEX is becoming more common in homes and businesses. But, it’s made of a soft plastic material. This is the perfect material for mice to chew. It’s easy for them to break a hole in the pipes causing a flood.
Some theorize that mice are attracted to the bright colours of the pipes, that they like the taste of the plastic and that they hear the sound of the water and chew to try to get a drink.
Mice often spend time under dishwashers because of the heat they generate and their proximity to falling crumbs. Dishwasher supply lines are often made from soft plastic and are frequently chewed by mice
Water leaking can eat away at drywall and ceilings. It softens the material and left untreated could result in mold or greater flooding issues. Water damage can generate a huge expense for homeowners. It’s necessary to replace any damp or destroyed areas of the home.
PEX isn’t the best piping choice considering rodent control. However, there are other drawbacks beyond rodent chewing. It rapidly deteriorates especially when left in sunlight. This can weaken the plastic. Also, it can carry a strange odor and chemical taste to water.
Properties of PEX
Made from high-density polyethylene. It has cross-linking bonds in the polymer structure altering thermoplastic to thermoset. Cross linking PEX can only be accomplished during or after extrusion. Accomplished at too high a degree can result in brittleness and poorer physical properties.

Evidence of mouse activity in an attic.
Brantford mouse removal
Mouse infestations can get out of control. When they’re hidden in dark places of your home they can destroy major arteries. Floods are an expensive reality. Soft plastic piping can easily be destroyed leaking water everywhere.
If you discover mice inside your house contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. We can permanently solve your mouse problem by identifying and blocking their entry points.
Call today – 1-888-592-0387