Problems Skunks Can Cause
Skunks can cause chaos even without their smelly spray. They have been known to dig up gardens for fruits and vegetables and tear up lawns looking for insects to eat. They also may get into trash cans or garbage bags and make a big mess searching for food. This could also lead to attracting other animals to a resident's property. Skunks are also known to dig under sheds or decks and make a den, causing damage to the structure and the ground itself.
Signs Skunks Are Around
Since skunks are nocturnal and somewhat shy, a resident may not even realize they're around. Other than that unforgettable skunk spray odor, there are other signs that skunks live in or around a property. One big clue that there are skunks around is when the trash cans or bags have been pushed over or opened. However, this is also a sign of many other common species of wildlife. Skunks may also leave behind small holes in the yard of about three or four inches in diameter. If there are fruit and vegetables in the garden, there may be bite marks or damage to the lower portion of the plants. People who raise chickens may find some of their eggs missing if skunks are around, and even in some cases a chicken may disappear. Finally, a clear sign of skunks is when they leave behind tracks, which show claws and five toes.