What You May and May Not Know About These Critters
Skunks are famous for the horrible smell they create when they are attacked. The smell can linger on pets or in ventilation systems for weeks, even months. But these pests can also cause significant damage to your building and landscaping. Here are some facts about skunks:- Skunks tend to burrow out their dens, making the surrounding wood weak and unstable
- They often dig in gardens to find their food, with their diet consisting of insects, grubs, and garbage
- The smell from skunks spray can linger on skin and clothing for days, weeks and months
- Rabies-infected skunks are virtually indistinguishable from healthy skunks
- Skunk spray can cause nausea and vomiting
- Skunks are social animals and several families may congregate in a single den, with a single litter having 4-6 babies
- The most effective method in getting rid of skunks is to remove all the skunks and completely seal the entire porch, shed or foundation from further entry by digging a trench and installing screening
- Removing the adult won’t make your problem go away, as it could leave the babies in the den. Several techniques may be required to remove all the skunks, with the entry point being sealed off
- Digging and burrowing are telltale signs of skunk activity. Damage to lawns and gardens also may be evident