How Did Bats Get a Bad Reputation?

When Can Bats Be Safely Removed?
We understand that having a bat colony in your home can make you uncomfortable, and pose health risks to you and your family. The important thing to remember is most bats come and go without any direct interactions with homeowners. Most people first realize their presence by smelling their waste or sometimes, if the colony is large enough, by hearing squeaking noises. Since bats may pose a health risk and can be aggressive if threatened, it is always a good idea to relocate them when the time is right. It is inhumane and improper to perform a bat exclusion when bats do not regularly leave their roost, such as during these times:- Hibernation or torpor
- Maternity season
- Winter season
- Inclement weather
Why Are Bats a Protected Species?
Bat colonies are increasingly under the threat of extinction. White-nose syndrome, a fungal disease, is a serious survival issue for many species. The spread of this disease has the ability to decimate whole populations. By far, though, the single greatest reason for bat decline is human activity. Habitat decline, destructive myths and climate change all present overwhelming hazards. A vast number of bat species are currently listed as critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable. Bats serve an indispensable role in our ecosystem. They help with plant pollination by spreading pollen dust, much like bees and butterflies do. Their daily consumption of insects helps tremendously with pest control, while seed dispersal is another essential function. This is why their protected species status is essential for our global well-being.Why Choose Professional Bat Removal?
Bat removal requires expert knowledge and training. Individuals should never try to handle bats for any reason. Contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control in Milwaukee so we can safely manage all wildlife while protecting you and your property. [embed][/embed] We will conduct a thorough inspection of your home to determine if there is an active bat colony. Here are the steps we take for humane removal:- Assess and remove
- Clear and clean
- Prevent and protect