Skunk Signals Across Your Property
The most obvious sign that you are plagued by skunks and that you might need professional animal control services is the smell. It is far more likely that you will smell a skunk rather than see one because they are primarily nocturnal. Small and shallow holes in your lawn are a sign of a skunk digging for insect larva and grubs. Damage to the lower leaves or ears of ripening garden crops is also an obvious signal if skunk activity in your yard and so are muddy paw prints left behind on concrete or paving stones. You’d be wise to keep the doors closed on all outbuildings as skunks will occasionally wander into or under a shed or garage.
Mississauga Animal Control: Getting Rid Of Skunks
During winter, skunks spend long periods inside their dens inactive. This can make their removal difficult. It is essential to try to remove them in the fall before the ground freezes. In addition, a number of extraction techniques may be required because skunk dens are often hard to access. There is little chance that capturing the adult will solve the problem, and it is extremely important to follow humane procedures when dealing with wildlife. The babies can remain hidden in an inaccessible area of the den, which further increases the need for animal control in Mississauga.Trapping Skunks Is Never The Answer
And here is why:- Trapping and relocating an adult during breeding season can mean you are leaving baby skunks in the den by themselves to die.
- Once relocated, it is probable that other animals will come and discover the empty space the skunks previously lived in. If the area was appealing to one skunk it will appeal to others in the future and you could be back at square one in no time.
- Without skill and experience there’s a strong chance you or your vehicle will get sprayed during the relocation.
- Trapping usually puts an animal under huge stress. It can hurt itself while desperately trying to escape, not to mention you as well.